Legal warning

General information

The owner of the website is MORALES KONGSVOLD Y ASOCIADOS, SL, with NIF B90195975 and address at Calle Ricardo Soriano No. 12, 9º F (Edificio Marqués de Salamanca), 29601, Marbella, (Malaga). The entity is registered in the Mercantile Registry with the following registration information: Malaga. Section 8, sheet 145497.

With the aim that the use of the website complies with criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, MORALES KONGSVOLD Y ASOCIADOS, S.L. informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query about this Legal Notice or any other informative document on the website will be received and resolved by contacting MORALES KONGSVOLD Y ASOCIADOS, SL, through the email address: info @ nordic-lawyers .com

Professional Association to which it belongs: Bar Association
Official or professional academic title: Bachelor of Law
EU state where the title was issued: Spain
Professional standards that regulate the profession: Bar Association
Intellectual property

All the contents shown on this website, and especially designs, texts, images, logos, icons, trade names, brands or any other information susceptible to industrial and / or commercial use are protected by the corresponding copyright, not allowing its reproduction, transmission or registration of information except with the prior authorization of the owner, MORALES KONGSVOLD Y ASOCIADOS, SL However, the user may use the information provided to manage their order and the corresponding contact information.

Links (edit)

MORALES KONGSVOLD Y ASOCIADOS, S.L. does not assume any responsibility for the links to other sites or web pages that, where appropriate, could be included in it, since it does not have any type of control over them, so the user accesses the content under their sole responsibility and in the conditions of use that govern them.